

Opened on the 2 June 2018 the Lino Lacedelli climbing gym offers the possibility to climb indoors on more than 80 routes from third grade to 8b+ (French grades), whilst reaching the maximum height of 24 meters the gym offers routes with a development of up to 30meters.

The gym offers a valid alternative to outdoor climbing when the weather/season makes it impossible. Moreover it’s vicinity to the centre of Cortina and it’s easy access makes climbing available even if time is an issue.

The structure not only offers a lead climbing zone with lengthier and more difficult routes but also has zones with shorter routes with lesser difficulties, top-ropes for those who are not able to lead climb and a TOPPAS (auto-belay system), which allows for solo climbing in total safety.

Route setting is generally done 3 to 4 times a year in order to allow an optimal overturn of climbing routes during the arc of the year. In addition the collaboration with various trusted route setters guarantees a good variety in the climbing styles.



If you have never climbed and would like to approach this interesting activity while learning the fundamental safety notions or you would like to hone your climbing technique you can book a lesson with Cortina360’s Alpine Guides.


Depending on your age and your technical capabilities, your Alpine Guide will guide you step by step while you learn to go vertical and master your fears.


Moreover your guide will teach you the safety techniques needed while refining your physical and technical ability in order to allow you to advance safely and move towards outdoor climbing.



In addition to the lead and top-rope climbing zone, the structure also offers a small boulder room with routes of various length and difficulty in order to refine technique.


For the more motivated climber, from February 2019, Cortina360 has equipped a training room for specific climbing training projected and built by Explore Climbing, a company specialized in this sector. The training room is complete with an interactive Moon Board, which gives you the possibility to choose from thousands of “problems”, a Pan Gullich and a System Wall for optimal strength and coordination training.


La sala di allenamento comprende anche una zona fitness per il recupero post allenamento.

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❄️ Winter Basecamp Freeride

Sabato 1 marzo e domenica 2 marzo

Sei alla LUT? Allora ti aspettiamo allo SCARPA Spin Planet Party! 👟💙! Il 22 giugno, dalle ore 17.00 presso la nostra palestra, vieni a conoscere Marco De Gasperi e il Team Trail Running di Scarpa, special guest Sergio Pereira che racconterà la sua Patagonia Run. Il tutto accompagnato da food, drink e dj set! 🍻 🪩
Non mancare, l’entrata è libera!


Sabato 4 marzo la Palestra e il Bar delle Guide chiuderanno alle ore 19:00


Sabato 25 Febbraio Simone Moro sarà il protagonista della serata Speaker Series presso il cinema Alexander Hall di Cortina d’Ampezzo, alle ore 19.00, durante la quale si ripercorreranno le imprese dell’alpinista bergamasco dall’Himalaya al Manaslu, con una profonda riflessione su come sia cambiata negli anni la sua visione dell’alpinismo. Non perdete l’occasione di partecipare a questo evento GRATUITO.